Percent of Shoreline and Watershed Development
Percent of Shoreline and Watershed Development
Overall surface water quality can be partially correlated to the percentage of development along the shoreline and within the watershed. DNR used available data for many lakes in Wisconsin to create the graph below. In general, lakes fall into one of the four following quadrants:
Protection: This quadrant has relatively low development along the shoreline and in the watershed. Lakes in this quadrant are generally characterized by good water quality. Water "protection" is the best course of action for managing these lakes. This is where Bear Lake is located.
Watershed Protection / Riparian Restoration: This quadrant has relatively low development in the watershed, but increased development along the shoreline. Efforts should be focused on protecting the watershed and enhancing restoration of native landscapes along the shoreline.
Watershed Restoration / Riparian Protection: This quadrant has relatively low development along the shoreline, but increased development in the watershed. Efforts should be focused on protecting the shoreline and enhancing restoration activities in the watershed.
Restoration: This quadrant has increased development along the shoreline and within the watershed. As a result, lakes in this quadrant are likely degraded and may have water quality issues including, but not limited to, increased sedimentation, increased nutrient loading, elevated phosphorus concentrations, and algae blooms.